Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Testify Boldly

Well- this week was...
oh man.
I don't even know where to start!
So Tiffany (our investigator) had a huge Breakdown on Friday night. Huuuuge breakdown.
We had just gotten home early from tracting because I started throwing up (no big). We were laying on my bed watching the D&C movies (I'm so cool) and we got a text from Tiff that said "Hey sisters, I can't do this anymore. I don't have anything against you, I just am not strong enough to be mormon and I just can't keep doing this."
My comp and I were devestated! She turned to me and we both just got on our knees and begged Heavenly Father to tell us what we needed to do. We finished the prayer, looked at each other and said "Let's go."
It was awesome cuz we both were dead silent the whole car ride and just thought about how we could help Tiffany. We pulled up to her apartment. My comp turned to me and said "What if she doesn't let us in?" and I'm all "Well.. grab your coat, we will sit on her porch". We knocked on Tiffs door- she asked who it was, we said, "The sisters" and she said, "I can't do this right now" and I said- "K we'll we will be on your porch, so let us know when you're ready."
10 minutes passed and she still didn't open the door..
Finally she opened the door and said, "Are you kidding me?!?! Are you guys crazy?!"
We both said yes.
We then had a big heart to heart with her and told her that she needed to get a priesthood blessing, we set it up for the next day.
The next day we met at the church and our District Leader, Elder Livingston and Elder Cluff and Elder Stinger and Elder Rowden all came to give her a blessing. Elder Cluff then gave the most AMAZING blessing ever! It truly truly was Heavenly Father speaking through him. it was incredible.
When it was done, I looked at her and said, "Let's do the baptism interview, right now."
Banks (my comp) looked at me and said, "Clement, what the crap?"
and Tiffany said, "ok! "
oh boy I was relieved.
Elder Livingston then interviewed her for baptism, she walked out of the Interview with a HUGE smile on her face and said "I'M GETTING BAPTIZED ON THURSDAY!!!!!!"
Banks and I screamed and we all just started crying! It was the best thing ever!
It's so stinkin fun and rewarding to see these people go from such a sad dark place, to being filled with light and true happiness. I love every bit of it! It was so remarkable.
She was really close to not being able to get baptized though cuz she works on sunday and it conflicts with her coming to church.. but we told her and the spirit made me promise her that if she talked with her boss, than the Lord would provide a way to soften her bosses heart so that she could come to church on Sundays.
Last night she called us over for "sparkling cider and cookies" to celebrate the fact that she talked to her boss and her boss is now giving her sundays off!!!!! ahhhh miracle! AND she also got a $2 dollar raise!
THE CHURCH IS TRUE!   It is truly confirmed to me every hour of every day!
I love you all so much!
Sister Clement

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